Can Nigeria’s Current Electoral Processes Deliver Accountable and Transformative Leaders?

Can Nigeria’s Current Electoral Processes Deliver Accountable and Transformative Leaders?

Executive Summary There are roadblocks to a strong democracy in Nigeria at all levels of government. Conflict—triggered by political competition and communal, ethnic, religious or resource allocation rivalries—poses a major threat to democracy. Corruption pervades the daily lives of Nigerians. Many government institutions do not adequately engage with citizens or the private sector and lack the capacity to carry out their mandates. One of the major factors that accounts for the failure of most African countries, including Nigeria, to attain development has been the absence of good governance and accountability in their democratic process. The reasoning is that without good...

Resolving the Cliffhanger: A Case for Dialogue Pathway from the Rising Insecurity in Southeastern Nigeria

Resolving the Cliffhanger: A Case for Dialogue Pathway from the Rising Insecurity in Southeastern Nigeria

Resolving the Cliffhanger: A Case for Dialogue Pathway from the Rising Insecurity in Southeastern Nigeria Presented at the Multi-Stakeholder Consultative Forum on the Attacks on Security Institutions, held June 3, 2021 at the Armed Forces Resource Centre, Abuja. Ben Nwosu, PhD Institute for Development Studies University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus Email: Introduction Nigeria is beset with security challenges of a magnitude never known since the end of the Biafra war fifty-one years ago. From terrorist insurgency in the North East, Northwest and North Central to farmer herder violence concentrated in the northcentral and parts of the southern states. There...